Setup for Cygwin [3]

Setup for Cygwin [3]

Setup for Cygwin

Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:10 PM - Conor Boyd

Im trying to setup Xmanager Beta 2.0 with my Cygwin distribution on my localhost. It keeps saying that the XDMCP is failing ;[

Is there anything that I should be doing on my Cygwin install apart from running an Sshd demon and making sure that the X forwarding is on in the ssh_config and sshd_config.

Conor Boyd

Re: Setup for Cygwin

Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:56 PM - Support

If you would like to connect with SSH protocol, just run Xstart. You don't have to execture Xmanager explictly. Xstart invokes Xmanager when required. Try to run an xterm with Xstart.

To use XDMCP service, you must run the xdm daemon in Cygwin.

For further support, please provide us with more detailed steps you followed.

Technical Support

Xstart with Cygwin

Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:19 AM - Biswajit Jena

I have Cygwin installed on my laptop. I was trying to use the xstart to use Cygwin distribution. In Xstart configuration, I choose protocol as "local". Then I give the path to xterm as /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY. It does not work. It says it could not find path to xterm. My cygwin is installed in C:\Cygwin.My xstart is installed in C:\Program Files\NetsarangPlease let me know how to set the path in Execution command.

Re: Xstart with Cygwin

Sunday, October 22, 2006 7:30 AM - K

I think the path should be something like:
C:\Cygwin\...\xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY

Hope this works for you.


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