Connection lost after a while [3]

Connection lost after a while [3]

Connection lost after a while

Sunday, May 7, 2006 10:30 PM - Hen

I'm successfully connected using Xbrowser to SGI O2 computer running IRIX 6.3.
On above system I have few different graphic applications and I can launch all off them except one that when I'm login in to it, I can see the graphic interface and everything looks OK but after 15-20 seconds it takes me out of session.

Re: Connection lost after a while

Monday, May 8, 2006 3:01 PM - Support

To provide you with an accurate solution, we need the following information.

1. Name/version of the application.
2. Try running the application using a different account.
3. Xmanager log file and /var/log/xdm-error log file. Please see Xmanager FAQ 18 for the location of log file: /products/xmg_faq.html#p18

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Re: Connection lost after a while

Monday, May 8, 2006 7:00 PM - Hen

Thank you for replay.
Attached error logs
Waiting for your advise.

Re: Re: Re: Connection lost after a while

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:29 PM - Support

Error messages show the connection was terminated by the remote server.

Firstly, this problem may occur when some applications unwillingly terminates and brings down the XDM process with it. It usually occurs when the system resource is too low. Please check if you have enough memory, hard disk space, network bandwidth.

Second, you may not have enough permission to use this application. Check with your system administrator to check your permission.

If your problem persists, please send us the following information:

1. Try again after restarting the XDM process.
2. Name/version of the application.
3. Does this problem occur in other Xmanager users¿ PCs as well?

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

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