vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2 [6]

vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2 [6]

vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Sunday, August 22, 2004 1:09 AM - pete 0

Hello -

I have been using W2K + xmanagerfor a long time without any issues.

However, I have just upgraded by (client) PC to XP+SP2 with xmanager. Whilst I can log in to my RH9.0 server without any problems, I have some strange behaviour when using "vi". Basically, when (e.g.) inserting text, the editor apparently randomly drops out of insert mode (screwing up the edit as unintended commands will then be executed)

I seems very much as though there is some issue with ESC characters - I remember an issue from many years ago which turned out to be the naff way the terminal driver handled escape chars & timeouts (or something like that)

Any clues - no change to back end. Possible I was using a xmanager 1.39 previously tho



Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:59 AM - Support

The problem may occur due to the difference of shell environment. Try to use the same connection method and protocol.

If you are using Xstart with an SSH protocol, try to set the following:

1. Run Xstart.
2. In the Protocol list box, select SSH.
3. Click Setup. RESULT: An SSH Protocol Setup dialog box opens.
4. Click the Options tab
5. In the Command Execution area, check "Allocate a pseudo terminal before executing the command".

Hope this helps you.

Technical Support

Re: Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Sunday, August 29, 2004 6:17 PM - Pete 0

First the bad news..

Tried that (thanks) - didn't fix it

Now the good..

After a lot of messing around with two different PCs, I managed to isolate the problem to the actual keyboard. It happens to be a "microsoft optical wireless multimedia keyboard" - works fine with everything but xmanager. Downloading some additional drivers from Microsoft fixed the problem. Weird.

So if you have strange repeating strings / missing chars / drop out of insert mode whilst using vi over xmanager and you have a wireless keyboard, you know what to do!


Re: Re: Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Monday, August 30, 2004 4:26 PM - Support

Thanks for your feedback.

It would be a great help for our future service.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:10 PM - Derrin0


Windows NT 4 Service Pack 6a
PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-Key) - just normal keyboard, not wireless or any other flash gubbins
X Manager 2.0 0203
Keyboard UK102

Great product, does exactly what we need - just one slight issue - again vi Escape strokes not working - Not sure what "other" drivers we might need?

Any Help Appreciated

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:16 PM - Support

To better help you, please send us following information:

1. Version/vendor of the remote host.
2. Connection method (XDMCP, SSH, TELNET, etc).
3. Terminal type (vt100, vt320, xterm, Linux, etc). Following command displays your terminal type.
# echo $TERM
4. Create a test account and tell us if your problem persists.
5. Does vi work as expected when you connect to the server with other tools (e.g.: a telnet client)?

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: vi / keyboard problem with xmanager2

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 3:41 PM - Support

This problem has been fixed in Xmanager 2.0 Build 0704. Please download the latest version at:


Thank you for using Xmanager.

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