Can't Connect after network conection loss [7]

Can't Connect after network conection loss [7]

Can't Connect after network conection loss

Thursday, May 11, 2006 5:06 AM - Sorrento


I was using normally Xmanager to conect to a machine in my network, suddenly i loss the network conection, when it came back, I was unable to login to that machie (using xmanager, telnet works fine)... It happened restarday, and today I'm still cant login in... Also eveyone in my network sgement access that machine using smanager normally... I also tried an IP CHange, but it still dont work.

Hope you could help me.

Attachment X0.log (3.2 KB)  

Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:22 AM - Support

It is most likely to be a firewall related problem. Please refer to Xmanager FAQ # 12 for firewall setup instruction.


If your problem persists, please send us the following information:

1. Name/version of the remote host.
2. Connection method (XDMCP, SSH, Telnet and etc.)
3. UNIX/Linux error log.
For UNIX: /var/dt/Xerrors file
For Linux: /var/log/xdm-errors

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Friday, May 12, 2006 1:33 AM - Sorrento

Im using Windows 2000 without any firewall enabled...

About the info that you requested:

Machine info:

SunOS ifurita 5.9 Generic_118558-21 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880

and attached you can found the log file.

Attachment Xerrors.1 (1.9 KB)  

Re: Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:20 PM - Support

The log files show your PC and server are located in different networks. In this case, there may be firewall or gateway in between that is preventing server from making connection to you PC.

To solve this problem, firstly make sure that you are in a same network with people using Xmanager without problem.

If you are in a same network, DNS may have an invalid name-to-ip or ip-to-name entry for your PC. Try adding your PC's IP address in /etc/hosts as following: PC_NAME

If your problem persists, please send use the following information:

1. Compare your Xmanager setting with people in the same network and tell us any noticable difference.
2. Can you connect to server with SSH?

Hope this solves your problem.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Friday, May 12, 2006 11:33 PM - Sorrento


I Just added my IP/machine name to /etc/hosts, but with no results but I saw this new error in the log file after the change:

Fri May 12 09:37:18 2006
error (pid 20764): Hung in XOpenDisplay(110011.intranet:1) attempt #0, aborting.

I also compared, the conection setting on ther workstations and there are exactly as mine :(

About the ssh conection, Yes I can reach the machine via SSH (in fact I have to work witouth GUI for 2 days from now, at least I have ssh access)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Saturday, May 13, 2006 12:00 AM - Brian

Here is a tip to start CDE from xterm. You may use this until Tech guys come up with an answer. Here is instruction:

1. Open Xstart
2. Choose an SSH session.
3. Start xterm or dtterm.
4. Type the following command:

/usr/dt/bin/Xsession &

Also ,you may be assinging the DISPLAY value manually. Check your login script (.profile, .cshrc, .bashrc etc) and remove the line from the login script that starts with:

export DISPLAY = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:x

Hope this helps. =)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:12 AM - Sorrento

Thanks brian :)

Im using it right now... some thing dont work but at leat I have a partial GUI :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't Connect after network conection loss

Monday, May 15, 2006 3:43 PM - Support

To find the cause, try using a different PC in your network and log in to your account using Xmanager.

1. If you can log in to your account, then it means your PC is either a) blocking the ports that are used by Xmanager (TCP 6000~6010) or b) DNS may have an invalid name-to-ip or ip-to-name entry for your PC. If you suspect b) being the cause, then talk to your network administrator and check the forward and reverse lookup table to make the proper changes.

2. If you cannot log in to your account, then it means there is something wrong with your account. In this case, you will have to talk to your system administrator to reconfigure the account.

If your problem still persists, try pinging from the remote host to your PC (Note: Not PC to the remote host). Remote host must be able to reach your PC before you can make an XDMCP connection. Please talk to your network administrator to allow the remote host reaches your PC.

Hope this solves your problem.

Technical Support

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