QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager [3]

QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager [3]

QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager

Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:03 PM - Martin Mc

I am having difficulty getting my programs compiled under qt 4.2.2 to maximize correctly under xstart (xmanager 1.3.9 and Enterprise 2.1).
The programs are compiled and are running on Fedora Core 6 and the XStart on windows XP service pack 2.

Maximizing under X11 is a known problem but under qt3.3.6 using XStart 1.3.9 a good approximation was achieved.

Now under qt4.2.2 this approximation is not good.The bottom of the screens are not visible.

I contacted Trolltech the makers of qt and asked about this. They have suggested that Xmanager is at fault. Here is what they say:

"It might very well be that subtle changes in Qt 4.2 break this
particular window manager. However, Qt still talks window manager
protocol, as follows:

QWidget::showMaximized calls setWindowState to set the state, and then
show. setWindowState updates only the internal state (as the widget is
not visible yet), and then QWidget::show_sys in qwidget_x11.cpp will
set the respective winstates ATOMs (_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ and
_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT) and call XChangeProperty to inform the
X11 window manager.

If the window manager does not support those atoms (qt_net_supports is
called later on), then Qt will even take care of this itself, and
resize the window to the desktop's size (also in QWidget::show_sys).

Have you contacted the Netsarang people about this problem? From what I
can tell this is really an issue they have to address"

They have suggested that Hummingbird Exceed does not have this problem,

Any help would be appreciated, thanks,


Re: QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager

Friday, December 22, 2006 5:35 PM - Support

We have failed to duplicate your problem. Please provide us the followings:

1. Screenshot of the problem
2. Your program

If needed, you can send the above files to support @ netsarang.com.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Re: Re: QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager

Friday, December 22, 2006 7:29 PM - MartinMc

Thanks for the quick response.

I have attached the program files(.cpp, .h .ui .pro and the binary compiled on an updated FC6) from a simple example program (a widget that maximizes or tries) togther with a screen shot from the windows xp machine running XStart from xmanager 1.3.9. These are zipped togther.

You can see from the screen shot that the bottom of the exit button is missing. Where screens contain more components this button can be almost hidden.

I have also attached the Xmanager log file

thanks for your help,


Re: Re: Re: QT4 Window maximizing with xmanager

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 5:10 PM - Support

We have confirmed the same problem in our environment and will provide better support for this in the next version of Xmanager.

For now, we recommend you to use the full screen option and panning option of Xmanager 1.3.9. To use the options, please do the followings:

1. Start Xconfig.
2. In the Window tab, make sure to check both Use Full Screen and Panning options.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Technical Support

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