after login, desktop is empty.. [1]

after login, desktop is empty..

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:27 PM - flytod

I use Xmanager 2 to connect ubuntu.I can login,
but after login, desktop is blank ,I can't see anything icon.

Server is Ubuntu 6.06

Re: after login, desktop is empty..

Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:27 AM - Andy Johnson

I had the same problem with Ubuntu breezy badger. My problem disappeared after allowing TCP 16001 on my PC firewall.

Also, read the following solution by the NetSarang Support team:

This problem may occur when the DISPLAY variable
is assigned manually.

To solve this problem, remove the line that
assigns the DISPLAY variable from your login
script (profile, .cshrc, .bashrc etc).

Hope this helps.

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