Trouble getting a XStart Telnet session started [1]

Trouble getting a XStart Telnet session started [1]

Trouble getting a XStart Telnet session started

Thursday, February 28, 2013 5:19 PM - Cynthia Morgan


I am using XManager 2.0. When I try to connect and the network cable goes through a hub, I get a screen with grey crosshatches--similar to a shared desktop where the application window isn't shared. When I had this trouble before a co-worker showed me how to run an XStart telnet session. It was very command line, but it worked and that was all I cared about. Unfortunantly I did not write down the configuration steps, expecting it to be there if I needed it again. However, it wasn't and I need to set that option up again. Co-worker no longer here. When I tried to run it, nothing seems to happen, even if I check the show messages box. Is there something wrong with the configuration?

Program Ver. : Xmanager 2.x
Connect Method : Xstart connection

Re: Trouble getting a XStart Telnet session started

Friday, March 1, 2013 11:41 PM - Support

To help us your situtaion better, please tell us the followings:

1. How would you normally run the X application (application that is installed on the remote server). Please include every command you use.

2. Do you have an option to connect via SSH?

Technical Support

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