Number of Licenses [1]
Number of Licenses [1]
Number of Licenses
Monday, June 17, 2013 4:31 AM - John
How can I know the number of Xmanager user licenses that I have? Is there anywhere in the system where I can print or generate a report on the number of Xmanager user licenses I have installed?
Thank you.
Program Ver. : Xmanager 4
Connect Method : Other
How can I know the number of Xmanager user licenses that I have? Is there anywhere in the system where I can print or generate a report on the number of Xmanager user licenses I have installed?
Thank you.
Program Ver. : Xmanager 4
Connect Method : Other
Re: Number of Licenses
Monday, June 17, 2013 8:47 AM - Support
For now, Xmanager does not track concurrent use of the license. The end user will have to check the license compliance manually.
Technical Support
Technical Support
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