Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit [13]

Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit [13]

Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, December 1, 2011 4:06 PM - Prashanth

We are having a hard time installing Xmanager 4 via SCCM 2007 on a WINDOWS 7 64-bit. I read couple of posts and have come up with switches

To generate answer file:
xmgr4.exe -r -f1c:setup.iss -f2c:setup.log

To silent install:
xmgr4.exe -s -f1c:setup.iss

The setup does not succeed with SCCM. Anyone has better ideas? I also tried installing with _user account_, but still no go.

Would appreciate any help.


Program Ver. : Xmanager 4
Connect Method : Xstart connection

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, December 2, 2011 12:11 AM - Support

We will need the log file to analyze this issue. Please post the install log with -f2filename option.

Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, November 7, 2013 4:16 AM - Michael

I have the same problem my log is:
szCompany=' '
szDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\Xmanager 4
szFolder=Xmanager 4

and in .log :ResultCode=-3

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:10 PM - Support

We have tested that silent install working in normal Windows environment. This problem might be related to AD / SCCM environment.

Can you attach the full log file? -3 error indicates:

-3: Required data not found in the Setup.iss file.

But, it doesn't tell us what is missing.

Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, November 8, 2013 2:04 AM - Michael

nothing more in .log file only Result code= -3

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, November 8, 2013 3:41 PM - Support

We have not tried deploying Xmanager using SCCM 2007. I will see if we can create a test environment to duplicate the issue.

I am not sure if SCCM 2007 comes with psr.exe but if it does, could you make a guide of how you are trying to deploy Xmanager via SCCM 2007 using the tool? If not, can you give us a simple guide with screenshots?

Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, November 21, 2013 4:55 AM - Stefan

There's a post somewhere in this forum from 2011 that has similiar problems installing Xmanager with a deployment software.
We, too, would like to install Xmanager with a deployment software (Landesk).
If this is not possible (as it seems to me right now), we won't buy it but look for an alternative.
Couldn't you just provide an installation with .msi?

Best regards,

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, November 21, 2013 6:01 AM - Stefan

Btw, I am just trying to do a silent installation on a server console of a Windows Server 2008R2 using an administrative user and using the commandline you get from /help (xmgr4.exe /S /v/qn) and this doesn't work, either :-(

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Thursday, November 21, 2013 12:14 PM - Support

We have tested silent install on standard Window versions like Windows 7 and Windows XP. But, we certainly want to work with you to resolve this issue.

My team will try to duplicate the issue on Windows 2008 server and get back to you. Perhaps these two problems are related.

Also, I will talk to our install package team to see if we can offer the setup file in msi. But I know we haven't done this before and this may take some time.

We would like to work with you closer to solve this case ASAP. Can you send us an email at support@netsarang.com with a link to this post and the number of licenses you need? I will elevate the case priority for you. If you find any new information, please include in your email.

Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Sunday, November 24, 2013 10:00 PM - Michael

I already did it! via SCCM 07 , no reason when result code -3
using this parameters in VBS ("-s -f1" & Chr(34) & CurrentDirectory & "_media\xinstall.iss" & chr(34))

Maybe will be helpfull for somebody !
Good Luck

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Sunday, November 24, 2013 10:31 PM - Support

Thank you for sharing this.

Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, December 20, 2013 12:24 AM - Alan Zhang

Hi there,

Does Xmanager support Windows server 2008 R2?

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, December 20, 2013 12:28 AM - Support

Yes, it does. You can use the evaluation version to try out yourself. Here is the download link:


Technical Support

Re: Deploy using SCCM to WINDOWS 7 64-bit

Friday, December 20, 2013 12:58 AM - Alan Zhang

Thank you very much for your confirmation.

It would be better to update the supported OS list on the website.

Previous views: 275

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