Xbrowser - An unsupported operation was attempted [1]

Xbrowser - An unsupported operation was attempted [1]

Xbrowser - An unsupported operation was attempted

Saturday, September 27, 2008 9:27 AM - Serg

We use Xmanager Enterprise 3.0 (build 165) on Windows XP SP3

Xmanager an excellent product and, in my opinion, the best X server for windows, however XBrowser has some strange and absurd bugs, which are not fixed, despite of their evidence.

Here one of these bugs.
Sequence of actions:

1) Create the XStart connection
2) Open the Properties window of this connection
3) Select the SSH protocol and press Setup button
4) Go to the Tunneling tab
5) Press the Add button

At this point I receive a window with message "An unsupported operation was attempted". After closing this message by pressing OK button, XBrowser abnormally closing with GPF error into Xsession.dll module. We've it at all systems.

Thus, we can't use SSH tunelling for the XStart connections.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : Xstart connection

Re: Xbrowser - An unsupported operation was attempted

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:46 AM - Support

Thank you for your compliment and a bug report.

This problem has been reported and will be fixed in the future release.

Technical Support

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