Cannot XDMCP to One HP-UX box [1]

Cannot XDMCP to One HP-UX box [1]

Cannot XDMCP to One HP-UX box

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 8:47 AM - Neill Mitchell

We have many UNIX, HP-UX and Linux boxes on site, but I have problems connecting via XDMCP to one of of our two HP-UX boxes.

All the systems are the same O/S and hardware but one fails and one works fine. See attached log files.

Attach 1 is the 'bad' box, 2 is the 'good'

Program Ver. : Xmanager 3.0
Connection Method : XDMCP connection

Re: Cannot XDMCP to One HP-UX box

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 3:34 PM - Support

I think you have attached the same log file twice. Please attach a log file from the unsuccessful connection attempt.

Also, have you follow the steps below to enable XDMCP connection on HP-UX?

1. XDM Configuration
# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e [Enable]

2. Firewall (TCP/UDP Ports) Configuration
Open UDP port 177 from the PC to the remote host direction.
Open incoming TCP ports 6000~6010 from the remote host to your PC.

3. Reboot the remote host and start Xmanager

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