unable to connect to HPUX using XBrowser [1]

unable to connect to HPUX using XBrowser [1]

unable to connect to HPUX using XBrowser

Thursday, July 31, 2008 4:40 AM - Diana

I am able to connect to HPUX 11.31 using Xterm but not Xbrowser. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I need to do to get it work?


Program Ver. : Xmanager 1.3.x
Connection Method : Other

Re: unable to connect to HPUX using XBrowser

Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:43 AM - Support

If you are evaluating Xmanager, please upgrade to Xmanager 3.0.

Then, follow the start up guide (Step 3) in the following URL:


If your problem persists, please provide us with the following information:

1. Xmanager log file
(For its location, please refer to /products/xmg_faq.html#i-1)

2. Log files from the remote host: /var/dt/Xerrors, $Home/.dt/startlog, and $HOME/.dt/errorlog

Thank you.

Technical Support

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