Xmanager multiple port starting [1]

Xmanager multiple port starting

Friday, November 15, 2002 5:48 AM - Janick Tremblay

Hi support or everyone,

We plan to use Xmanager on multiple sessions in differents ports on the same workstation, is it possible? and if yes how can we set this up, all that under DOS command promtp.

EX: C:program fileXmanager1.3.0.9Xmanager 6000
C:program fileXmanager1.3.0.9Xmanager 6001

Thanks in advance!

Re: Xmanager multiple port starting

Friday, November 15, 2002 12:05 PM - Support

For multiple port, run Xmanager as following:

Xmanager -passive -multi :0
Xmanager -passive -multi :1

":0" means TCP port 6000 will be used.

Technical Support

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