Virus Alert in X Manager [1]
Virus Alert in X Manager [1]
Virus Alert in X Manager
Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:22 PM - Albert Graham
When installing XMANAGER Demo product NORTON ANTI-VIRUS software
says that the file contains a virus called "W95.CIH"
Is this correct or is a false positive, Does anybody else have this
I've tried to install this a number of machines WIN 98, WIN ME, WIN200
all with the same results.
Norton anti-virus is the Corporate Edition - latested version 7.5
Please respond ASAP.
Yours sincerely,
Albert Graham.
PS. XMANAGER Product is Mega Cool
Is it possible to run multiple instances of it connected to
different systems (in full screen mode)
Re: Virus Alert in X Manager
Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:56 PM - Support
I've just installed Xmanager 1.3.9 from our official distribution site and there is no virus in the package. I checked it using Norton Anti-virus 2001 with a live-update feature. All computers in our company have Norton installed and no virus has been found since a year ago.
The Xmanager might have been infected by another program in your computer, or else the Norton program in your computer may have a bug in it.
Please cure your system and download Xmanager again at:
You can also download the latest version at download.com.
Thanks for your understanding.
Technical Support
The Xmanager might have been infected by another program in your computer, or else the Norton program in your computer may have a bug in it.
Please cure your system and download Xmanager again at:
You can also download the latest version at download.com.
Thanks for your understanding.
Technical Support
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