Keyboard mapping [2]

Keyboard mapping [2]

Keyboard mapping

Tuesday, July 2, 2002 4:57 AM - Ken

Is it possible to have a different keyboard map for different applications? I am launching the applications using Xstart and it appears that I can only have a single keyboard configuration for any Xmanager application I run. In most cases this works fine, however I do have a particular application in which it would nice to map the keyboard differently. Is there a command line option I am not arare of that would allow me to use a different keyboard map?

Re: Keyboard mapping

Tuesday, July 2, 2002 10:57 PM - Support

Currently, you can change the keyboard mapping on the fly by clicking "File->Load Keymap..." in the system menu of Xmanager. In this case, all X applications will use the new keymap. So, you should run multiple Xmanager to use a different keymap for a special application. The latest Xmanager supports "Obtain Display Number Dynamically" option in the Xstart. The new option will launch a separate Xmanager with a new display number.

In the future version, we are planning to support a hot-key for changing your favorite keymaps on the fly.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Keyboard mapping

Wednesday, July 3, 2002 10:24 AM - Support

I've made a mistake in the previous message. Currently, Xmanager doesn't support multiple instances with Xstart. To do that, you need to run Xmanager via Xbrowser first (in a single window mode) and then run Xstart to load another Xmanager.

Multiple Xmanager with Xstart will be included in the future version.

Technical Support

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