enlightenment 0.16.4 on RedHat 7.2 [1]

enlightenment 0.16.4 on RedHat 7.2

Thursday, February 7, 2002 8:59 PM - Jay

Hi, me again :-)

We have now, instead of KDE, tried to start the Enlightenment as Desktop. The Enlightenment 0.16.4 is default in RedHat 7.2, we start it with kdm. Unfortunately, Windows users with Xmanager can only use two of the 4 themes provided by Enlightenment on startup. The other two do not work.

We have told Xmanager to use the same font server as the linux X-Terminals, but unfortunately that did not help. The people using Linux X-Terminals can use all themes, i.e. they can see the writing, the windows users cannot.

Anyone have an idea?? The mailing list of enlightenment does not seem to have any idea (have posted the question, but got no answer yet)

Re: enlightenment 0.16.4 on RedHat 7.2

Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:19 AM - Support

Sorry to inform you that the same problem exists in our system. We will test it and post a solution soon.

Technical Support

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