garbled text in xterm window [5]
garbled text in xterm window [5]
garbled text in xterm window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 2:59 PM - Ed Davis
I have installed xmanager on a new PC and it works great and all is well. I installed it on a laptop and when I open an xterm, characters from some words on the screen get repeated and I also get random graphics on the screen. I am running on a Sony viao pcg-748, pentium processor with MMX, win98 SE, NeoMagic MagicGraph 128xd video chip with 2MB built in eDram. The random graphics disapear when I switch to 256 colors but the repeated characters persist. Do I just need more than 2MB video memory? I run 1024x768 resolution for both. Switching to 800x640 does not help. I can connect to redhat 7.2 and all of the log-in graphics stuff looks great. some little apps work well. No problems until I bring up an xterm or dtterm. Same issues and scenario if I connect to AIX common desktop. Any thoughts?
Re: garbled text in xterm window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 4:05 PM - Support
Please turn the "Maximize Performance" option off in the Xconfig utility. Some grahic cards don't support the fastest text operation and the option can solve it.
- Technical Support
- Technical Support
Re: Re: garbled text in xterm window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 6:30 PM - Ed Davis
I tried that and there was no change. Any other ideas?
Please upload a screenshot of the problem window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 6:34 PM - Support
It might be a font problem. A screen capture would be a great help for the solution.
Re: Please upload a screenshot of the problem window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 7:12 PM
I have a screen shot but here is some more info. If I bump the color from true to 256, the graphics problems disapear but there is still a character repeating issue. Further, there seems to be a balance between having the maximize performance check box checked or not, and adjusting the hardware acceleration slide-bar in the performance tab of the display-properties advanced tab in win98. If I bump the slide bar down two notches and uncheck maximize performance it works. Should this be the solution or does this give you another idea. I really like this product but this solution seems a little hokie... I'll send a screen shot in another reply. (have to switch computers)
Re: Re: Please upload a screenshot of the problem window
Saturday, January 12, 2002 7:29 PM - Ed Davis
Actually, I only have to bump the hardware accelleration down two notches and I can leave the maximize performance box checked. I can't uncheck it and go up a hardware performance notch. Also just noticed that if I put a window on top of the garbled window and then take it back off, the garbling is gone and the text in the window is as it should be. I can put any kind of windows window on top of the garbled window and it will be cleaned up when the top window is moved away.
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