Xmanager on Citrix Metaframe [1]

Xmanager on Citrix Metaframe [1]

Xmanager on Citrix Metaframe

Friday, January 11, 2002 2:06 AM - Dirk Devoghel

Is the XManager product supported in a Citrix Metaframe environment. If so, are there any specific installation instructions to follow ?

Re: Xmanager on Citrix Metaframe

Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:59 AM - Support

Sorry for the late response.

You can install Xmanager on the Metaframe server machine or Windows terminal server machine. After installation, please run Xbrowser program provided by Xmanager in each Citrix client or Windows Terminal. The Xbrowser utility has been designed to invoked in terminal client machine and it uses XDMCP method to connect to the remote Unix server.

Currently, Xstart program cannot be used in citrix client machine but it also will be supported in the future version.

We hope this could help you.

- Technical Support

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