Debian 2.2 and w2k [3]

Debian 2.2 and w2k [3]

Debian 2.2 and w2k

Wednesday, June 12, 2002 3:16 AM - Luca Sasdelli

I'm currently evaluating Xmanager undes w2k SP2+; I've got two unix machines on my network: a Sun Sparc w/ Solaris 8 and a Debian linux i386 box.

No problems at all with Sparc; with the Debian one, instead, there is no way to communicate with kdm. I've followed all recommendations in FAQ #2 (inittab, kdmrc, xdm-config, Xaccess; no firewall is installed), but it doesn't connect. Even in Xbrowser, I can see only the Sparc.

Does anyone had a similar problem?

Re: Debian 2.2 and w2k

Friday, June 14, 2002 2:34 PM - Support

We tested the Debian 2.2 with full package installation. It used xdm and the default runlevel is 2. The only configuration we changed are:

- Runlevel was changed from 2 to 5.
- Xaccess file was changed as in the FAQ No. 2.

Please check if an xdm process is running on your Linux with a "ps -aux | grep dm" command.

We hope this can help you.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Debian 2.2 and w2k

Friday, June 14, 2002 5:16 PM - Luca Sasdelli

I'm using KDE and Xmanager infos present the product as kdm compatible; probably this is the main reason of failure (kdm and not xdm running). I've also tried on a Debian 2.2 on a laptop, with recommended mods, but the result is identical.

Which steps should be kept in using kdm instead of xdm?

Thanks again

Re: Re: Re: Debian 2.2 and w2k

Friday, June 14, 2002 5:43 PM - Support

You need to change 3 files for KDM configuration.
They are:


How to configure is in the FAQ #2.
The files might be located in different directories depending on how you installed the KDE package.

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