how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ? [6]

how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 2:39 PM - James

Hello experts,

i encounter a window size problem when using Xmanager 139.
i believe the X application i'm opening has a fixed windown size which i can't adjust. (the windown occupies the whole screen of the host monitor )
after opening it from my PC X manager, I found I couldn't view the full part of the window of this application in my laptop, the scroll bar also doesn't help. and unfortunately my laptop monitor doesn't support too oo high (eg to 1400x sth)resolution.

can anybody enlighten how to get the full window of the application ?

thank you very much,

Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 4:48 PM - Ryan

Try to use panning. In the Xconfig program, select Multiple Window Mode and Panning.


Re: Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Friday, June 11, 2004 2:38 PM - james

thanks for you reply.

i tried panning. it still doesn't work. actually whatever pix size I set to top/left/right/bottom, moving of mouse to the windown edge will no make the X application window move. and the problem is that i can't drag the left/right edge to move the application window, so that i can' view the bottom part of the window from my pc.

can anybody give a hand on how to solve it, either from my Xconfig or from the UNIX(solaris8) host?

tons of thanks

Re: Re: Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Friday, June 11, 2004 3:05 PM - Jim

Maybe you have to run Xstart program instead of Xmanager/Xbrowser for using Multiple Window Mode. And if you use java based application, set window manager to "Local Only" in Xmanager config.

Why don't you show us screenshot or info of application?


Re: Re: Re: Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Friday, June 11, 2004 4:10 PM - James

Thanks for your reply, Jim

I attached the snapshot of the window on my pc, the X application is invoked from Xmanager terminal. I have no idea of how to start an application from Xstart, anyway what i can get from it is only a terminal.

the window can be moved by dragging the top bar, but couldn't be moved by dragging the side bar. also scroll bar in X window can only allow you see a little bit more part of the window.

can you pls help me to solve this problem ? i'll need to view the full window to do job remotely.

thanks a lot , james

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Friday, June 11, 2004 5:21 PM - Support

Sorry for the late reply, James.

Please try one of the following:

a. Enlarge X Root Window

1. Run Xconfig.
2. Click the Window tab.
3. Select Single Window Mode.
4. Select "Custom" in Window Size and input the enough size. (ex. 1500x1000)
5. Check the "Use Scrollbar" box.
6. Restart Xmanager.

b. Use Panning

1. Run Xconfig.
2. Click the Window tab.
3. Select Multiple Window Mode.
4. Check the "Panning" box.
5. Run Xstart.
6. In the xterm/dtterm, run your application.
7. Move mouse to the border for Panning.

Hope this helps you.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how to view full part window of an application with fixed window size at host ?

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:06 AM - James

Hello, Support

thanks a lot !

your first solution works well. but the inconvenient point is that i have to scroll the side and bottomn bars all the time. is it possible to get a full picture of the application's window without scrolling ?

2nd solution i don't know how to work, once i open a terminal from Xstart, the keybd is not working. can you pls tell me the detailed input from Xstart ?

also, another question, let's say the application already opened locally (at the host), is it possible to take over it from Xmanager ? ( i mean, like sw PC ANYWHERE, romote control)

Thanks for information !


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