YModem transfer never finish [3]

YModem transfer never finish [3]

YModem transfer never finish

Friday, May 18, 2018 6:57 AM - Jalen

I try to use YModem to upload files to the embedded board, but it just stuck at transfer window with full progress bar. (XShell 6 has the same problem)
I had tried YModem and YModem-1k mode.
The drag and drop file is also not working.

I use another software ExtraPuTTY. It can finish this job.
Is there any detail that I can provide for you to determine this problem?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: YModem transfer never finish

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 7:04 AM - Support

Have you tried checking the "Close dialog box when transfer completes" box? It may have completed, but is not closing because you haven't selected that option.

Also, drag a drop utilizes Zmodem by default. But this can be changed in the session's properties. Session Properties -> File Transfer.

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Re: YModem transfer never finish

Saturday, June 9, 2018 4:32 PM - Jalen

Yep, I have tried close dialog checkbox, but it does nothing help.

The attachment pictures that show the command line is still waiting for ymodem file complete (not shows "d/g/r>").

Drag and drop also change to ymodem.

Re: YModem transfer never finish

Friday, June 15, 2018 9:06 AM - Support

Thanks for the additional details. There seems to be an issue on certain PCs. We are continuing to investigate this issue. Appreciate your patience.

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