Export/import Tunneling [1]
Export/import Tunneling [1]
Export/import Tunneling
Monday, October 1, 2018 10:11 AM - roberto
Hi, in my configuration, i have a lot of tunnels, would it be possible to export/import all the tunnels defined in the Tunneling section, thus making it easy to copy a site's tunnel config to another site ?
Thank you.
Program Ver. : Xshell 6
Thank you.
Program Ver. : Xshell 6
Re: Export/import Tunneling
Thursday, October 4, 2018 3:14 PM - Support
Yes, this is possible.
You can export/import tunneling configurations. When importing, make sure to use the "auto-save session changes to current session file" option and Xshell will save the tunneling changes into a new session file.
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You can export/import tunneling configurations. When importing, make sure to use the "auto-save session changes to current session file" option and Xshell will save the tunneling changes into a new session file.
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