Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke [7]

Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:07 AM - rvsw

I am an avid use of Xshell. Recently I have had to work a lot from the command line. More than 50% of the time I have to cut and paste the commands from the Xshell window to clipboard/notepad and back. I am doing ssh into a linux machine and linux commands like history etc don't help because I have had to make changes in the middle of the command every time I cut and paste.

Xshell provides shift+insert, ctrl+insert for cutting and pasting but I wonder if there is a way to use a script/hotkey in xshell to automatically cut and paste the last command in one keystroke instead of first selecting it. It can be a combination of xshell running a script on linux machine too but I have yet to figure out a way. Any inputs will be useful.

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Monday, May 20, 2013 5:57 AM - Support

This feature is not available but it sounds like a very interesting feature. I have requested the feature for a review.

Technical Support

Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:06 PM - Mario

I miss that feature as well - PuTTy has it and I uses it a lot. On my MacBook with Bootcamp Windows the missing INSERT key reduces the value of XShell drastically...

Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:24 PM - Support

Thank you for your feedback. If Putty has this feature already, we can expedite this process. I will look into this feature and escalate its priority.

Technical Support

Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:35 AM - frank

about this feature,any progress yet?

Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:56 PM - Support

Currently, Xshell has two different flavors of Copy & Paste.

You can have the mouse automatically copy highlighted text and paste with a single mouse click. This can be configured in Tools -> Options -> Keyboard and Mouse.

The other is using our key mapping feature. This can be configured in the Options as well.

If neither of these is what you wanted, can you please explain what it is exactly you'd like to do? Can you point us to the relevant option in other programs such as PuTTY? Any special configuration required? Can you provide a screenshot? Thank you!

Technical Support

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Re: Any way to copy the command line in one keystroke

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 4:50 PM - Support

Xshell does not have this exact feature, but Xshell's ability to send terminal text directly to your desired editor may be something you'd be interested in.

You don't need to select the entire text. You can simply use the "To Text Editor" feature in the terminal's context menu.

You can set your desired text editor by going to Tools -> Options -> Advanced tab.

Technical Support

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