suggestion about the tab of xshell [1]

suggestion about the tab of xshell [1]

suggestion about the tab of xshell

Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:58 PM - Liaoyuan Wang

Dear There,

Thanks for your effort to provide us such nice product. Here, it is my personal experience. When I run my programs to analyze the data, it may take many hours. If I only run one program in one tab, I do not have any problems. However, when I run my program in different tab (actually for different materials) in an interactive way, I would lose my location because such interactive way does not allow me to input commands, worse, the view history (scroll back the view to see the screen history) is limited. I am wondering whether you can improve a function which can show the work location. Indeed, when I move my mouse above a tab, I can see ip and username. This info is useless for us because we log in as our username. If you can provide us work location, it would be much better.

Terminal in Mac can provide such info when I move my mouse on the tab. This is very important for us when we have many data for different materials to analyze.

Allow us to see work directory/location when we move mouse on the tab instead of showing host and user info.


Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: suggestion about the tab of xshell

Friday, March 9, 2018 5:39 PM - Support

Glad you like Xshell, Leon.

First, the scrollback buffer size can be increased in your session properties. (Session Properties -> Terminal).

The current working directory can be shown in every tab if the 'Show Terminal Title' in the tab's context menu is enabled. Simply right click the tab and select 'Show Terminal Titile'

If this is not what you are requesting, can you provide additional information? Screenshots would be very helpful. Thank you!

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