User defined path to config directory [1]
User defined path to config directory [1]
User defined path to config directory
Thursday, March 22, 2018 2:03 PM - Bjoern
Hej all,
would it be possible to make xshell store _all_ config files in a user defined folder? Currently you can select where the sessions are stored, but quick commands etc are missing.
I would like to put the config folder on a cloud synced folder (e.g. Nextcloud) and thus have the same exact configuration of Xshell no matter if I start it on my Desktop or Laptop and I don't have to manually copy config files.
Program Ver. : Xshell 6
would it be possible to make xshell store _all_ config files in a user defined folder? Currently you can select where the sessions are stored, but quick commands etc are missing.
I would like to put the config folder on a cloud synced folder (e.g. Nextcloud) and thus have the same exact configuration of Xshell no matter if I start it on my Desktop or Laptop and I don't have to manually copy config files.
Program Ver. : Xshell 6
Re: User defined path to config directory
Friday, March 23, 2018 4:11 PM - Support
Try using Xtransport.exe with the -move parameter in Xshell's installation folder.
Xstransport -move
Using this command, the user's entire configuration files including session files can be moved to another location. If the cloud folder was mapped to a Windows folder or can be expressed to a UNC path, you can utilize the cloud folder as desired.
Also, if you would like to use passwords stored in the session file, make sure to set the master password in Xshell before the session file is sent to the cloud.
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Xstransport -move
Using this command, the user's entire configuration files including session files can be moved to another location. If the cloud folder was mapped to a Windows folder or can be expressed to a UNC path, you can utilize the cloud folder as desired.
Also, if you would like to use passwords stored in the session file, make sure to set the master password in Xshell before the session file is sent to the cloud.
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