xsh.Dialog.Prompt return value [1]

xsh.Dialog.Prompt return value [1]

xsh.Dialog.Prompt return value

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 1:50 PM - jsanagustin

Currently, clicking 'Cancel' or the 'X' in the dialog shown by xsh.Dialog.Prompt seems to return the same as leaving the input field empty and clicking 'OK'. his forces me to use xsh.Dialog.MessageBox to ask the user if they actually want to cancel or not.

Would it be possible to have xsh.Dialog.Prompt return something else when clicking 'Cancel' or the 'X'?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: xsh.Dialog.Prompt return value

Friday, April 20, 2018 2:18 AM - Support

I agree that we should distinguish empty strings from a null value.

As you said, there is no other workaround other than the solution you have mentioned. I'll report this issue to our dev team. Appreciate the report.

Technical Support

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