XShell - Problems with ZSH [1]

XShell - Problems with ZSH [1]

XShell - Problems with ZSH

Thursday, February 8, 2018 6:38 AM - Andreas Wachter


I am having troubles with XShell 6 and Zsh. Everytime I press the backspace, the whole word gets deleted, or if I type an IP address the number gets deleted until it reaches the point.

I don't have this problems with the normal bash.

The machine I am connecting to uses:
zsh 5.2
Ubuntu 17.10

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: XShell - Problems with ZSH

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 5:51 PM - Support

We've run some tests with the information you have provided. We were unable to duplicate the issue.

It seems that some zsh configurations have been added to your system. We'll require this information to further investigate your issue. Please provide the following:

1. The result of the 'stty -a' command
2. The result of the backspace key and the keys related to the IP address typing after running 'sed -n l'
3. The result when using other terminal emulators such as xterm.

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