session tab problem [1]

session tab problem [1]

session tab problem

Saturday, May 19, 2018 8:46 AM - xqin


Why can't I create more than 4 session tab in one xshell? there is no limit in xshell5. I was upgrade to xshell6 build 0089 today, but the limit still exist.


Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: session tab problem

Monday, May 21, 2018 2:19 AM - Support

Are you using the free license or the paid license?

If you are using the paid license, you can change this option by going to Tools -> Options -> View -> Tab Options.

If you are using are free license then you won't be able to change this option. If you require more tabs, you can simply open a new window. If you require more tabs on a single window, we encourage you to support us by purchasing a license.

Our paid licenses have no restrictions and your purchase directly helps us by allowing us to expand our team and resources.

Technical Support

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