Disable auto-scroll [3]

Disable auto-scroll [3]

Disable auto-scroll

Friday, July 13, 2018 7:07 PM - Bjoern

Hej all,

currently Xshell always auto scrolls when there is an update in the terminal. Sometimes you are executing a program and you want to examine its output while it is running and producing more output. If you want to inspect a particular line while the program is still running and producing output, Xshell always scrolls down automatically which can be very annoying.

I am looking for a way to prevent Xshell to jump back down on a terminal update when I scrolled up to look at some output.

A button with "disable auto-scroll" would be awesome.

Or does this exist somewhere already?


Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: Disable auto-scroll

Monday, July 16, 2018 3:46 PM - Support

Xshell has a couple options which should solve your issue. Try changing the following options in your session's properties.

Turn OFF "Scroll to the bottom when terminal input/output"
Turn ON "Scroll to the bottom when a key is pressed"

These options can be found at: Session Properties -> Terminal -> Advanced.

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Re: Disable auto-scroll

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:23 PM - Bjoern


I didn't search in the session settings. I thought I remembered it to be a global setting on Xshell 5

Would though be nice to have a button somewhere to quickly enable/disable the option :)



Re: Disable auto-scroll

Thursday, August 2, 2018 3:05 PM - Support

I agree that a quicker way to enable/disable the feature would be helpful. I've reported this to our dev team for review. Thanks!

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