Xshell6 GSSAPI failed [1]

Xshell6 GSSAPI failed [1]

Xshell6 GSSAPI failed

Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:22 AM - cuikc

I am useing Xshell6 Build 0089 on windows 7 x64.
I set my connection use kerberos authentication to my servers, and selected
method GSSAPI in Connetion setting. when i tried to use this connection to connect my server, it reported GSSAPI failed in trace log. it works all right when i used Xshell5 Build 1339 on the same system.

Here is the trace log below:

Host 'rig.zhuanos.com' resolved to
Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
[15:05:42] Version exchange initiated...
[15:05:42] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
[15:05:42] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_6.0.0010 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[15:05:42] SSH2 is selected.
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 20, length: 1403
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 20
[15:05:42] Algorithm negotiation initiated... (Dialog mode)
[15:05:42] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[15:05:42] host key: ssh-rsa
[15:05:42] outgoing encryption: aes128-ctr
[15:05:42] incoming encryption: aes128-ctr
[15:05:42] outgoing mac: hmac-sha2-256
[15:05:42] incoming mac: hmac-sha2-256
[15:05:42] outgoing compression: none
[15:05:42] incoming compression: none
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 34, length: 13
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 31
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 32, length: 262
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 33
[15:05:42] Host authentication initiated...
[15:05:42] Hostkey fingerprint:
[15:05:42] ssh-rsa 2048 65:6f:4e:57:d5:6d:98:9a:35:30:a6:02:57:7a:1c:97
[15:05:42] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[15:05:42] Verified.
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 21, length: 1
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 21
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 5, length: 17
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 6
[15:05:42] User authentication initiated... (Dialog mode)
[15:05:42] Sent user name 'cuikaichao'.
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 50, length: 41
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 51
[15:05:42] Outgoing packet message id: 50, length: 71
[15:05:42] trying GSSAPI authentication
[15:05:42] Incoming packet message id: 60
[15:05:42] GSSAPI import_name: host@rig.zhuanos.com
[15:05:42] GSSAPI failed.
[15:05:46] Canceled.
[15:05:46] Outgoing packet message id: 1, length: 13
Connection closing...Socket close.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Disconnected from remote host(rig.zhuanos.com) at 15:05:46.

could someone help me out, thanks a lot~~~

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: Xshell6 GSSAPI failed

Friday, June 8, 2018 9:03 AM - Support

This issue has been reported to our dev team. Thank you for the report.

Technical Support

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