can't install xshell 5 in win 10 [1]

can't install xshell 5 in win 10 [1]

can't install xshell 5 in win 10

Sunday, February 18, 2018 3:24 PM - Ale

hello everyone,
I am having an issue while installing xshell 5 for personal use on my laptop, the OS as said in the title is windows 10, the error that appears is the one in the atachment.
Translating the text we get the following error text:
"A error has occured during instalation of assembly component : {0D7E67F6-1A6A-3A26-AF95-B8E83DDCCC3F}, HERESULT: 0x80070002"

Any help is welcome

Program Ver. : Xshell 5
Attachment Captura.PNG (5.1 KB)  

Re: can't install xshell 5 in win 10

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 6:33 PM - Support

Try installing again after creating a new simple alphabet named user.

Technical Support

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