How to import SecureCRT session? [23]

How to import SecureCRT session? [23]

How to import SecureCRT session?

Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:39 PM - ComGuy

How to import SecureCRT session?

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:13 AM - Support

Thank you for using Xshell.

Xshell currently does not support session import feature for SecureCRT.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Thursday, November 5, 2009 1:27 AM - georgexsh

While Xshell and securecrt all using plain text config file, it is not difficult to write a script to import.
On my site, I simply read host/port value from securecrt config file, then replace corresponding value in a Xshll config template.

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Thursday, November 5, 2009 10:12 PM - Support

We are planning to develop a tool to import SecureCRT session files. We¿ll let you know when it¿s available. Thank you for patience.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:22 AM - Minas


I have start to use your program for telnet client but there is a problem with pass scripting .
In Secure Crt you choose a path where the script is in it and all sessions use the same script from the path but in the Xshell you cannot do that and you have to choose the passcript session by session.
Is there any chance to fix this ?

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Thursday, November 17, 2011 5:41 PM - Support

Thank you for your feedback. This feature is not yet implemented in Xshell. But, we plan to do it in the future.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Friday, June 14, 2013 3:52 PM - Punkfx


I'd like to say that your product is very good. I mean, It is really good.
I didn't know about it since a year ago and I must be sincere. I didn't want to test it, because in my head, your competitor is so good, that no one deserves a chance to challenge him.
Well, now I can say that I'm happy I didn't follow that thought, because otherwise, I would not know that SecureCRT does have a great competitor.

I'm sure you guys believe in your product and that you know Xshell could be as good as SecureCRT or even better. But the fact is: Most ppl just don't know Xshell!
I hear about Putty EVERY day as an option to SecureCRT... Come on! Every networker on earth know it's not! I consider Putty a very good tool! I also use it, but it has a different approach.

Anyway, why this big post?
I'm taking my valuable time to tell you that you MUST develop a solution to import SecureCRT sessions to Xshell. You MUST do it!
I believe that many people just gave up trying Xshell only because they wouldn't lose their time trying to migrate from a great tool like SecureCRT to a tool that they just don't know yet if it is that good.
I think that it's up to up. I mean, there's a thin line between trying and not trying Xshell when coming from SecureCRT. Having a tool to import their sessions from CRT is to give a reason to make ppl do it!

Again, I took my time to give this advice because I really think Xshell is very good. I hope you think the same. And if you do, just develop a solution to import those CRT sessions!

Good luck!


Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:39 AM - Support

Thank you for your comment. We are so excited that you are happy with Xshell. We believe Xshell is the #1 secure terminal emulator in the market and it excels its competitors in many ways. One thing we are really proud of is that we try to listen to our users as much as we can. It is one reason we keep this forum open and easily accessible to everyone. Our software is released in short cycle of few months and for each iteration we try to incorporate as much as users' ideas as we can.

I think session importer is an excellent example that we really try listen to our customers. We developed a tool that lets you import sessions from Putty and ZOC/5. We plan to include SecureCRT in the future and I will update this post when we do.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, June 17, 2013 5:38 AM - Punkfx

I'm happy to know you are commited to your users!

Importing from putty is something! Do you know when this tool will be released? Will be incorporated to Xshell? I'd love to know more details about it!

And about SecureCRT... I believe that, importing their sessions will be a big thing. I really believe. I will pay a close attention to this thread!
Let us know when the tool is ready!

Thank you!


Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, June 17, 2013 8:40 AM - Support

We cannot fix a date at this moment but I will be sure to post an update to this article when the feature becomes available.

Thank you for your support for Xshell.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, June 17, 2013 6:19 PM - Support

It turns out our developers have already worked on session importer for SecureCRT. Please find the attached session import tool.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, July 29, 2013 1:14 AM - jazzfanszl


Thanks for the great session import tool:D

Is there any method for batch session importing,lots of users session info need to be imported.....

Thanks you so much!

Best regards,
nathan shi

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, July 29, 2013 4:52 PM - Support

Import tool does not support batch mode for now. Could you tell us how you want to use this feature? I will be sure to tell our developers.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, July 29, 2013 6:21 PM - jazzfanszl


Thanks for your quick response……
You know we gotta lots students in school,several hundreds,formly we use SecureCRT client,lots of problem,so we need to transfer the session configuration of every students to xshell.
Via import sessions tools you offer we needs do this transfer one by one,click by click,cost lots of time,so we think there must be a method, a command line tool we can do this transfer in batch mode.

Appreciate for your responding...

Best regards,
Nathan shi

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:54 PM - Support

Thank you for explaining. I see why you need batch process. Although Xshell does not have the feature yet, you can use the following solutions to achieve the same result:

1. Write a Windows script. To do this, all you have to do is:

- Copy all sessions from the original session folder
- Paste the session files to the new locations

2. Use the shared network folder to save sessions. You can change the default session folder path in the Options (Tools > Options) dialog box.

Technical Support

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, December 9, 2013 6:52 PM - frsky

Used 4 years to slove it ,great .

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:27 AM - Vadim

Thanks for the tool!
It really helped me to migrate to Xshell4 and save a lot of time!


Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 3:29 PM - app13

I think SessionImporter.exe needs a update...
It puts the imported session files in "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\NetSarang\Xshell\Sessions", but after I install the xshell5, the default path is "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\NetSarang\Xshell\Sessions".


Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Monday, May 9, 2016 8:54 PM - Support

We'll be fixing the sessionimporter as soon as possible. Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 3:29 PM - Khawar Munir

Your utility was helpful I was able to copy file to new server,
my problem is how many places I need to make changes about sessions info.
Beside copying the sessions folder under the users profile I also make change in (.ini) file and where else....?
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.


Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Thursday, September 21, 2017 4:09 PM - Support

Have you used our latest Session Converter here:


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Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 4:58 PM - Dave

Worked great on my Secure CRT 5.x

Imported all my sessions! Now I can ditch CRT..



Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:53 AM - Alex

First of all, I appreciate for the converter.
But may I know if there are specific requirement for the converter when import sessions from secureCRT 8?
Every time I launched the converter, click DecureCRT 8 Session "Import button", there is a pop-up window letting me select folder.
However, every time I clicked OK, I got a message showing "Session Converter Stopped Working"
FYI, I'm using windows 10 with the latest version. Microsoft Surface Pro 4.

Re: How to import SecureCRT session?

Friday, February 2, 2018 5:49 PM - Support

There are no additional requirements for converting. We ran several tests and we were able to successfully import SecureCRT 8.3 session files in Windows 10.

Xshell also can import sessions from a csv formatted text file. Try exporting SecureCRT sessions in the csv format and them importing them into Xshell.

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