Touch Screen Support on Windows 10 1803 [1]

Touch Screen Support on Windows 10 1803 [1]

Touch Screen Support on Windows 10 1803

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 9:13 AM - Xzavier Allen

I used to use XShell 5 on Windows 10 1709, and touch screen worked perfectly on my Surface Pro. Now I upgrade to XShell 6 and Windows 10 1803, when I use the touch screen, I can see the slide bar moving while characters on the screen just stay where they are. I'm not sure whether it's because the new version of XShell or Windows 10. Hope you guys can help me find out. Thanks a lot.

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: Touch Screen Support on Windows 10 1803

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 4:51 PM - Support

This issue has been reported to our dev team. Thanks for the report.

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