text editor acting funny inside sqlplus [1]

text editor acting funny inside sqlplus [1]

text editor acting funny inside sqlplus

Friday, October 19, 2018 12:08 PM - kaiser nahiyan

Hi Team,

I am facing a weird issue with the xshell6 text editor. Whenever I connect to sqlplus in xshell, if I use backspace the query fails to say invalid charecte.

SQL> select * from tab_employee where rownum < 2
<<works fine

if I use backspace anywhere the previous text doesn't shift, kind of like using the INSERT key in Overtype mode in MSWord

If I use backspace to delete something and then write the same query it will fail at the characters entered

SQL> select * from tab_employee where rownum<2;
select * from tab_employee where rownum<2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00911: invalid character

Also I can use backspace and delete things beyond the prompt where I am supposed to write the text.


In short the only query that works are the ones written without using any backspace, even texts copied from other places like notepad or word fails, even though the characters are the same.

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: text editor acting funny inside sqlplus

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 1:31 PM - Support

It looks like the Backspace character which Xshell is using is not working properly. Try again after changing the Backspace character to something else. This can be done in the session's properties.

Session properties -> Terminal -> Keyboard : BACKSPACE key sequence.

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