N/A [1]

N/A [1]


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:52 AM - Geert De Paep

I use Activestate Perl 5.24.1

When running this simple program in a LOCAL SHELL in XShell6 (i.e. like a dos prompt) I have a problem:

print "Commits since last build:\n";
print "xxxx\n";
my $t = sysread STDIN,$c,1;
print "You input $c with $t";

The program immediately asks for input without printing the first 2 lines in the output. After entering the input (and pressing return) the messages "Commits since last build" and "xxxx" are displayed.
So it behaves like line 3 and 4 are executed before line 1 and 2.

XSHELL> perl effe.pl
Commits since last build:
You input d with 1

In a normal Windows DOS prompt, it is ok:
DOS> perl effe.pl
Commits since last build:
You input d with 1

I tried already various Terminal settings, but I can't get it to work correctly:

Program Ver. : Xshell 6

Re: N/A

Thursday, September 27, 2018 3:18 PM - Support

Xshell's Local Shell has some issues in printing out the results of certain programs. This has been reported to our dev team. Thanks!

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