Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell [3]

Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell [3]

Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 2:28 AM - zhuo chen

Thanks Xshell.

There are some problems and suggestions I want to feedback,
1. (xshell4 and xshell5) sessions window line spacing is too long, so it display less session name, when i have more sessions, it would be not convenient;
2. (xshell3-5) when run command 'rz' in local shell, then press 'cancel' in the popup window, then the terminal will display strange character, see rz-leads-strange-char.png;
3. (xshell 5) when run 'ls' or 'list' command in local shell, the output is not the session list but the local file and directory, see ls-output-problem.png;
4. (xshell3-5) I strongly suggest xshell will give a serial number automatic to every session in sessions windows, such as 1,2,3,4,5, then we can run 'open 1' in local shell to open the session 1. the serial number should be first column in sessions windows and command 'list' output;
5. (xshell 5) click '+' to open new local shell is obvious slower than xshell4;

although there are some little problems in xshell,
it is still the best terminal tool, thanks~

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell

Thursday, October 16, 2014 2:35 AM - Support

Thank you for your feedback.

1. (xshell4 and xshell5) sessions window line spacing is too long, so it display less session name, when i have more sessions, it would be not convenient;

Do you mean the session name field is too small in the Detail view?

2. (xshell3-5) when run command 'rz' in local shell, then press 'cancel' in the popup window, then the terminal will display strange character, see rz-leads-strange-char.png;

This problem has been reported. Case # is 2785.

3. (xshell 5) when run 'ls' or 'list' command in local shell, the output is not the session list but the local file and directory, see ls-output-problem.png;

We are in the process of upgrading the local shell environment. You will be able to access the sessions from the local shell shortly.

4. (xshell3-5) I strongly suggest xshell will give a serial number automatic to every session in sessions windows, such as 1,2,3,4,5, then we can run 'open 1' in local shell to open the session 1. the serial number should be first column in sessions windows and command 'list' output;
I think this is a great idea. I have requested the feature and the case # is 2786.

5. (xshell 5) click '+' to open new local shell is obvious slower than xshell4;

Every tab is assigned to a new process so it may take a little longer than the previous version but we are improving it.

Technical Support

Re: Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell

Thursday, October 16, 2014 4:18 AM - zhuo chen

1. (xshell4 and xshell5) sessions window line spacing is too long, so it display less session name, when i have more sessions, it would be not convenient;

Do you mean the session name field is too small in the Detail view?

sorry, maybe I don't express my opinion clearly.
I mean that the line spacing of sessions drop-down list in xshell 4 and 5 is wider than xshell3, so in the same region xshell 4 and 5 will display less row than xshell 3. see line-spacing-comparison.png

Thanks take my opinion into consideration.

Re: Some Problems and Suggestions for Xshell

Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:44 PM - Support

Thank you for the update!

Technical Support

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