How to turn on URL hyperlink [13]

How to turn on URL hyperlink [13]

Saturday, February 1, 2014 11:49 AM - BOB


I have read a lot of article about people using hyperlink in Xshell, but I just wonder how to turn it on? I could not find the setting.

when I read something within xshell, I hope it can turn URL Xshellin81.zip (540.6 KB)Β Β 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 11:31 PM - Support

Thank you for the update. We have reviewed the steps.

For un-clickable link issue, I don't see there is * in front of the link: http://blog.xunit.... I am not sure why you want to add *http:// as URL prefix. Xshell does not look at the email source. It parses what is actually displayed on the screen.

About the second problem, link not opening in the browser, I think there is a problem with the default browser. Try opening the Windows execute dialog box (Window button + R) and enter http://www.google.com and see if it opens the browser. If this fails, it means there is a problem finding the default browser.

Technical Support

Re: How to turn on URL hyperlink

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:34 PM - Bob Yang

thanks for looking at it..

Do you mean the step 13? There are extra text before the http://. That's the reason, in the step 8, I add "*http://" in the very end to see if I can parse anything with * if anything before "http://".

Regrading to no action after clicking, I tried win+R then https://google.com which has no problem at all in my win 8.1 machine. But Xshell doesn't open anything. I even try using admin account to execute the exe but still the same result. However, I test the same article in a win 7 machine, Xshell open the link automatically.


Re: How to turn on URL hyperlink

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 6:24 PM - Support

Thank you for explaining this.

Wild card characters such as * will not work in URL prefix. You have to specify the exact phrase. Sorry about the confusion.

I think this is a system specific issue. Our team has tested the issue on Windows 8.1 but couldn't duplicate it. We will look into this case more but at this point, we are not sure why this occurs on your Windows 8.1 machine only.

Technical Support

Re: How to turn on URL hyperlink

Thursday, February 6, 2014 8:17 AM - Bob

thank you!

I also try to use Γ―ΒΌΕ‘http:// and hyperlink still not clickable. I guess it won't take unicode char?

thanks a lot for all helps! I will test more to see how to open the browser if there is setting I should setup. I will post here if I can find a solution.


Re: How to turn on URL hyperlink

Sunday, February 9, 2014 11:10 PM - Bob

Hi here is what I found so far.

1. I don't see the error, when I disable URL hyperlink option.
2. I must use mouse click on "OK" to disable another popup, if I use the keyboard "enter" key, it keeps on popping up the same error message
3. I don't see the error if I disable the auto login.

hope it helps :)

Re: How to turn on URL hyperlink

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:04 AM - Support

Thank you for the update. I will pass it to our developers.

Technical Support

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