1. Firewall rule names, 2. OpenSSL [1]

1. Firewall rule names, 2. OpenSSL [1]

1. Firewall rule names, 2. OpenSSL

Thursday, November 27, 2014 11:45 AM - Alpengreis

First, thank you for the GREAT Xshell 5!

I only have a small thing to report ...

The automatic created Windows Firewall inbound rules are not correct labeled:

The rule for "Xshell.exe" is labeld with "Core" - and vice versa - the rule for "XshellCore.exe" is labeled without "Core".

... and a question:

Is Xshell also vulnerable to OpenSSL things (see URL http://www.openssl.org for more info)? And if, is it already fixed?

Thank you very much for answer(s) in advance!

Kind regards,


Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: 1. Firewall rule names, 2. OpenSSL

Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:00 PM - S

Thank you for pointing out about the firewall issue. We will fix it ASAP.

Is Xshell also vulnerable to OpenSSL things (see URL http://www.openssl.org for more info)? And if, is it already fixed?

Xshell is not affected by this vulnerability issue.

Technical Support

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