GIT and TortoiseGit only with putty Key [1]

GIT and TortoiseGit only with putty Key [1]

GIT and TortoiseGit only with putty Key

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:29 PM - Bob


I use TortoiseGit. I like to put all the keys together under xshell to be in one place.

However, it seems like it only take putty key, I have tried all Xshell keys but nothing work. I just wonder if Xshell can save the file as puttyKey format so we can have everything in one place and take putty out of software list.


Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: GIT and TortoiseGit only with putty Key

Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:55 AM - Support

This feature is not available in Xshell but I have just requested it to our developers. Case # for this is #2254.

Technical Support

Previous views: 168

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