Do not close session tabs on disconnection [3]

Do not close session tabs on disconnection [3]

Do not close session tabs on disconnection

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:16 AM - Dan Dascalescu

Suppose you have a few session tabs open, each connected to a host. If your network connection breaks, Xshell will close all session tabs and will keep open only the Xshell prompt session.

This is inconvenient because when your network connection is restored, you have to open again each session that Xshell had closed.

I would like to suggest that Xshell keep all the sessions open if the connection breaks, so that the user can reconnect later when the network is available again.

Dan Dascalescu

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Do not close session tabs on disconnection

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:57 AM - Drew

Select the "Exit to local shell on connection close" option in Tools > Option > Advanced tab. This way your tabs will remain open even after the connections are broken and you can reconnect it by cliking the Reconnect button.

Re: Do not close session tabs on disconnection

Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:03 AM - Sam

Hi Team,

I tried to Select "Exit Xshell when all connections are closed" option from Advanced tab, But its not happenning.

Scenario: We open 20 to 30 sessions at a time in office and want to continue to work on them when we reach home due to network disconnected, Xshell closes all the connections, Again we have to reopen Xshell for all sessions.Please let us know the solution to keep the sessions disconnected once we reach home we can Reconnect.


Re: Do not close session tabs on disconnection

Thursday, January 16, 2014 9:30 PM - Support

I think you mean you want to keep the connection alive when you reach home. Am I correct?

There are few things we need to consider.

Where is Xshell installed? Is it installed on your work PC or on your laptop?

If it is installed on your work PC and you are accessing the PC from home via RDP or other remote desktop method, then you can try using the keep alive feature in Xshell. When this option is enabled, Xshell tries to send keep alive signal to the remote host so that the connection stays alive when you are not using it. This option can be found in the Session properties > Connection page.

If you are connecting to the remote servers from your laptop, then it is difficult to keep the session alive since your network connection will almost certainly break when you are traveling.

Technical Support

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