Host name and connecting [1]

Host name and connecting [1]

Host name and connecting

Friday, July 11, 2014 12:21 AM - Roshan


i just installed Xshell. i am not going to connect to any server. just want to work from my computer.

However, Can someone tell me how do i do the connection only for my computer.

Do i need to enter host name and select the protocol as SSH with port 22.

or should i select the "serial" option

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Host name and connecting

Sunday, July 13, 2014 10:20 PM - Support

I think you want to replace cmd.exe. Local Shell in Xshell 4 is not powerful enough to replace cmd.exe yet. We are working improving in version 5. Please try the version 5 beta.

Also, please tell me which tasks you want to perform with Xshell.

Technical Support

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