ssh passthrough as proxy [7]

ssh passthrough as proxy [7]

ssh passthrough as proxy

Friday, May 7, 2010 4:06 AM - Matthias


when creating a ssh connection it is possible to set another ssh server as a proxy by choosing 'SSH_PASSTHROUGH' as the proxy and entering the IP/user/password of the proxy server.

But when I try to connect, xshell only connects to the proxy server and not to the machine i want to connect to. Maybe I misunderstood this feature? For security reasons, I have to connect to a ssh server first (the proxy) and from there connect to the machine I want to work on.


Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: ssh passthrough as proxy

Thursday, May 13, 2010 12:56 AM - Support

SSH_PASSTHROUGH is specially designed feature for one of our partners products, GateOn.

In general, you can use the expect and send feature to accomplish the same. This feature is under Logon Scripts in session Properties.

With the expect and send feature, you can set to expect the terminal prompt and send the connection information for the destination server.

Hope this helps.

Technical Support

Re: ssh passthrough as proxy

Sunday, June 9, 2013 4:27 PM - Matt

Just a suggestion for anyone who needs an SSH proxy/jumphost: since SSH_PASSTHROUGH doesn't work, there is a better option than using expect.

Create a separate session to your ssh proxy host, and start a dynamic forwarding tunnel. Open that session first, then use the tunnel as a SOCKS5 proxy for your other hosts.

The reason this is better than using expect is because it will work for Xftp too.

Re: ssh passthrough as proxy

Friday, July 12, 2013 2:24 AM - Dmitriy

Can you please explain this more precisely?
I made first connection to my intermediate server and started dynamic socks5 tunnel. If i use some other applications (firefox, for example), I can see, that it's using this tunnel and everything goes well. But I also want to connect to other servers using this tunnel. How can I setup new connection so that it'll forward everything to the tunnel. Just don't see any settings to do that.

Re: ssh passthrough as proxy

Friday, July 12, 2013 2:40 AM - Andrew

You can't do that with SOCKS5 tunnel. To make connection SSH connection, you have to use outgoing SSH tunnel.

Re: ssh passthrough as proxy

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 11:46 PM - acne

I want to fake ip via ssh xshell. Can you help me q1.png (12.2 KB)  

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