Page Up/Page Down behaviour [3]

Page Up/Page Down behaviour [3]

Page Up/Page Down behaviour

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 7:00 AM - Rin

I've tried using the key mapping feature so that I could re-define the behaviour for the page up/page down keys. I wanted to make them scroll the terminal window instead of acting in the same manner as the "up" key (repeating the last commands).

So basically what I did was -
Custom Key Mapping > Key combination Page Up > Action - Scroll Page Up
Custom Key Mapping > Key combination Page Down > Action - Scroll Page Down

That didn't work. I've tried clearing all other custom maps to no avail.

Am I doing something wrong? I would very much like to be able to scroll the terminal by directly pressing Page Up or Page Down.

I'm using Xshell 4, build 0131. Thanks in advance.

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Page Up/Page Down behaviour

Thursday, May 1, 2014 11:22 PM - Support

By default, Xshell send PG up and PG Down key input to remote server. In order to use the scroll up and scroll down, you should use the SHIFT+PG Up / SHIFT+PG Down shortcuts.

If the problem persists, can you send us the following information?

1. what is the keyboard shortcut you used?

2. What happens when you do Shift + Pg up / Shift + Pg down?

3. What is your Windows language and keyboard settings (IME mode)?

Technical Support

Re: Page Up/Page Down behaviour

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 7:38 AM - Rin

1. what is the keyboard shortcut you used?
I used Page Up/Page Down directly.

2. What happens when you do Shift + Pg up / Shift + Pg down?
It works as expected, scrolling the pages.

3. What is your Windows language and keyboard settings (IME mode)?
English / EN-US, but then again it doesn't matter which layout I use (I tried a few other ones.)

However, my question is - can you disable the sending of this input to the remote server? I can't think of any reason I would want to do such. Other applications such as SecureCRT allow you to scroll using Page Up directly.

Thanks in advance

Re: Page Up/Page Down behaviour

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 8:03 PM - Support

Thank you for the information. I see what you mean now. We have successfully duplicate the problem and the issue has been forwarded to our development team. Case # for this issue is #2466

Technical Support

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