Active "SSH User Name" window [1]

Active "SSH User Name" window [1]

Active "SSH User Name" window

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:11 PM - SoHm


I use Windows cmd script in FriendlyPinger to ssh to switch:
@echo off
set computer=%1
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSarang\Xshell 4\
start /max Xshell.exe -url ssh://%computer%

I attemt to connect SSH switch in FriendlyPinger, in which i run external .bat script (shown above). I succesfully enter login\password. It's ok. But then I minimize Xshell and in FriendlyPinger ssh to 2nd switch - login window "SSH User Name" is minimized.

How i can maximize(active) this login window? It is uncomfortably constantly expand login window for enter login.

Best regards,

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Active "SSH User Name" window

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:48 PM - Support

Thank you for using Xshell. Can you use psr.exe (Steps recorder for Windows) to record the problem and send it to us at support@netsarang.com?

*PSR is a default Windows software for recording steps for troubleshooting.

Technical Support

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