SSH user authetication window [1]
SSH user authetication window [1]
SSH user authetication window
Thursday, August 15, 2013 1:22 PM - kasey
When the "SSH User Authentication - Keyboard interactive" dialog box opens up, the kb focus is in the message portion instead of the editable textbox where the user is to type his passcode.
set the focus on the editable text control (password field) so the user can start typing the password instead of hitting a tab to move the caret and focus. this is really a big annoyance.
Program Ver. : Xshell 4
set the focus on the editable text control (password field) so the user can start typing the password instead of hitting a tab to move the caret and focus. this is really a big annoyance.
Program Ver. : Xshell 4
Re: SSH user authetication window
Thursday, August 15, 2013 8:02 PM - Support
This problem has been reported and will fix it soon.
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