Enter SSH username and password [3]

Enter SSH username and password [3]

Enter SSH username and password

Friday, September 9, 2016 12:49 PM - Alex


I have problem/inconvenience with entering username and password then connect via SSH to Cisco routers/simulators.

1. When i open 2 or more connection at once ("File" - "Open" - select 2 or more saved SSH connections with mouse and Ctrl key - click "Connect"), then Xshell ask username and password in session window (TAB).

2. When i open just 1 connection ("File" - "Open" - select 1 saved SSH connection with mouse - click "Connect"), then Xshell ask username and password in additional special modal window/dialog.

3. When i open any number TELNET connections, then Xshell ask username and password in session window (TAB)

How i should configure Xshell to force first behaviuor?
I don't want Xshell create special dialogs for entering username and pasword.
I prefer Xshell ask username and password in connection TAB, like variant 1 or 3 above.


Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Enter SSH username and password

Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:43 PM - Support

You can change SSH User Authentication Interface by going to Tools -> Options. You'll see the SSH User Authentication Interface type drop down menu at the bottom of the General tab.

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Re: Enter SSH username and password

Friday, September 16, 2016 3:14 PM - alex80

Many thanks! It is works.
Excuse me for this question, i shoud look to settings more accurately.

Re: Enter SSH username and password

Friday, September 16, 2016 5:30 PM - Support

No worries! Thank you for using Xshell!

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