Bug Report - Copy/Paste/Menus [1]

Bug Report - Copy/Paste/Menus [1]

Bug Report - Copy/Paste/Menus

Friday, September 30, 2016 4:02 PM - Christopher Fox

Build 1019

When trying to copy/paste with the shortcut keys, e.g. Alt, E, Alt C and the same with Alt E, then Alt P - the firs time hitting C or P, it doesn't work, just gives the invalid key stroke sound for windows, then the second time it works. This only started with this new version, and while not a large issue, it is quite an annoyance and leads sometimes to less than accurate copy or paste workflows.

Thank you!

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Bug Report - Copy/Paste/Menus

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 12:43 AM - Support

The key combinations for text copy&paste can be interrupted by Windows or other programs. Therefore, we recommend you use copy&paste key combinations with Windows default keys like Ctrl+insert and Shift+Insert.

Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are commonly used in Unix/Linux systems as control keys so we don't recommend you use those.

Also, we tested the Alt+C and Alt+P combinations after mapping them accordingly and they worked as expected without issue.

Technical Support

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