Program frozen after idle for few minutes. [3]

Program frozen after idle for few minutes.

Thursday, August 11, 2016 10:55 AM - Derek CHAN

System: Windows 10
Xshell 5 for home/school

After switch to another program for few minutes, when I switch back, the entire window is frozen. It dose not show "no responding" but no button response even close button. Key board not work as well, I have to open task manager to kill the process.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Program frozen after idle for few minutes.

Saturday, August 13, 2016 10:43 PM - Michal

I experience often (about twice a day) same behaviour, only difference between original poster of this bug is that I have different version/licence:
License Type: Xshell Standard (Registered)

Frozen for me = Xshell window is stuck on top of other windows and it's impossible to click on any button/part of Xshell window (even minimize or close is not working) and often it's impossible to show other windows application window on top of Xshell so I have to kill Xshell from process manager to be able to use other apps.
After killing, starting new instance of Xshell will work... at least for another few hours :)

I'm connected every time to at least one SSH connection to Linux server

Re: Program frozen after idle for few minutes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 9:35 PM - Support

Thanks for the reporting the similar issue. We're currently looking into the issue and hope to have a solution shortly.

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Re: Program frozen after idle for few minutes.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 6:04 AM - Support

This issue was fixed in Xshell 5 Build 1019 (Xmanager Enterprise 5 Build 1001) which was released on September 7, 2016.

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