Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp [3]

Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp [3]

Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 7:47 PM - Adam

All I use Xmanager for is Xshell and Xftp
I only remote to Centos... was never able to get the X11 (gui remote) to work no matter what version, or kde.

So all I ssh using Xshell, then CTRL + F which gets me Xftp
Imagine how awesome it would be if Xshell could have a layout with Xftp included. (Xftp with Tree View).

Whats the big deal? Just split screen Xshell and Xftp
Yeah, I login to multiple SSH, so I get so many Xftp windows open.
Worst part: I ssh to the same server under different credentials, ex. root and user. Then Xftp only shows the host name under the tab, so I have no way of knowing which Xftp is which user. So I have to close all Xftp's and launch them again directly from Xshell under the user that I am under.
It gets worse. To close all Xftp's you have to respond to each dialog "Do you want to quit Xftp?"

I'm not sure how you guys use these but I spend at least 5hrs a day on Xshell and Xftp so.. it would make a world of a difference.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp

Thursday, March 17, 2016 8:29 PM - Support

Hi Adam,

You request to have an Xshell layout with Xftp included is an interesting one which would be very helpful to our Xshell/Xftp users. The developers have been made aware of this request and will consider adding it in the future.

Currently, as you said, Xftp tabs only shows the host or session name. We will consider adding other information to the tabs. For now, you can rename your tabs to have them display what you want.

Concerning the dialog box when closing Xftp, Xftp has an option to disable this notification. I've attached a photo for reference.

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Re: Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp

Monday, March 21, 2016 5:04 PM - Adam

Oh ! I would pay top dollar if I could have a feature like that. Have xftp integrated with xshell.
Imagine, left hand side session Folder Tree then Dir View then xShell.

I currently use an IDE for this purpose "Cloud9".
"yum install fuse sshfs" allows you to mount remote SSH paths.
Then I can have my unified view :)
See attached screenshot.

Tried the rename feature on Xftp. It doesn't work if relaunched. Only works if you rename it every time. By default, it only shows "hostname" and thats it. No matter what the session name is on Xshell. Again, I am launching Xftp from Xshell. No matter what the Xshell session name is, Xftp only shows hostname.

Re: Feature Req: Layout Xshell + Xftp

Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:10 PM - Support

Thanks for the additional information. It has been forwarded to our developers.

Technical Support

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