execute set line command when connecting to session [1]

execute set line command when connecting to session [1]

execute set line command when connecting to session

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:45 AM - Danny de Waard

I use the command set HilightWords = ERROR|error on the local shell to highlight messages.
My question is, how can i do this if i start multiple sessions from the session folder at once?

If i use the command on the local shell and start 1 session it works. But if i isseu the command and then start 3 sessions it only workson the first session.

before a session is connected it briefly goes to a local shell, i guess there is where i want to automaticly isseu the set command.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: execute set line command when connecting to session

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:43 PM - Support

The set hilightwords command of Local Shell is applied only to the tab in which the command is typed.

We have a plans to improve the highlighting words feature.

Technical Support

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